wooden flowers

yummy salad

Flowers are always the right present it does not matter for what occation. But we even like to buy some flowers for ourself and decorate our rooms. Only fresh flowers do not hold so long and depending on the season.

Our flowers are made from wood. Due to the detailed work and colour design they look like real flowers. No tree must die for the flowers as the shaves are made from recycling wood from transport boxes. This helps to preserve our environment. So why not think about a long lasting and environment friendly flower decoration?

With the right care our flowers will last for several years. As the flowers are only dyed please do not put them in humid conditions. Direct sunlight will result in fading colors. It is enough to clean it by using a vacuum cleaner from time to time.

The flowers are suitable to use as a bridal bouquet. It will remind you on the happiest day of your life for a long time after.

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