
You can get in contact with us by using this form.
At the same time you can use this form for questions about the company or our products. We will happily answer all your questions.

Please fill the below form completely! Please take special care to enter the correct email and phone number to enable us to answer to your request!
As soon as possible we will get back to you!

contact form

With the delivery of these data I accept the general terms and conditions and allow the storing of my personal data according to the privacy protection declaration.

I agree, that House of Fruits may use my contact details (email or phone number)with my consent to advertising and consulting purposes, and to send me actual product or company information and the newsletter. Of course you may withdraw your consent at any time. To do this, please contact us by e-mail.


Head Office:

Zahradní 725
39102 Sezimovo Ústí
Czech Republik
what3words: ///indirectly.microphones.famed

Tel: 704193494

ICO: 04625021
DIČ: CZ683773470