House of Fruits, fruits and vegetables with taste!
Pre-order of fruits, vegetables, nuts or spices
Not for everyone shopping is a pleasure. It can be pure stress. Instead spending time with shopping it could be used for something else.
On the other side we want to offer you products in the highest quality every day. An important part of it is to store the products under optimal conditions. Freeze and heat have an negative effect on the quality. Therefor we plan the daily need carefully. The rest of the products is stored in perfect conditions. But despite careful planning it might be possible that before the end of the day some products are sold out.
Therefore we are offering the possibility to pre-order your requirements already in advance before you come to the House of Fruits. This you can do conveniently on a PC or a smartphone. We will prepare your order, if available, short before of the given pick-up time and you just need a short stop at the House of Fruits, pay and take the order home.
Please fill the below form completely! Please take special care to enter the correct email and phone number to enable us to inform you in case an ordered product is not available!
If you are not able to collect the pre-ordered products at the advised time, please let us know. Otherwise we will start selling the products 180min after the collecting time to other customers.